Experts in ALERT2

Blue Water Design, founded by R. Chris Roark in 1999, has been a leader in the ALERT2 market since its inception. Blue Water Design lead much of the development of the ALERT2 specification, and built the first ALERT2 products on the market. Blue Water Design's ALERT2 encoder has been licensed by every major player in the market; our decoders and demodulators are used widely through the ALERT2 community and are sold both directly and as an OEM component of other manufacturers products.

In 2017, Chris sold Blue Water Design. Under new leadership, Blue Water Design developed and launched the next generation of ALERT2 products: the A2M encoder, the A2X modem, and the A2FX field transciever. In 2024, Blue Water Design launched its latest product, the A2RT remote telementry unit.

David Van Wie, the owner of Blue Water Design, has been involved with the development of ALERT2 products since 2011. He has extensive experience in hardware and software development, scientific computing, and the development of sensitive instrumentation.

Services Provided

Blue Water Design's primary business is the development and sale of ALERT2 devices. In addition to direct device sales, we are also an OEM vendor and have licensed both firmware and hardware to a number of other manufacturers in the ALERT2 market.

Blue Water Design also provides software development and consulting services, with extensive experience in the ALERT2 domain, as well as significant software expertise in embedded systems, statistical and numerical analysis, machine learning, and cloud systems.